Does it pay off to outsource PR team to Europe?

"The ideal situation is that you do not need to outsource anything! But the reality is different, it seems that you have to! "- said Emma Price, director of communications at General Electric.

Public relations: should you work back home or abroad? If you do PR back home it is usually way slower and it affects the performance of work. You can not even see that until you outsource. Here are some numbers that can affect your decision ... Outsourcing can be your new "golden goose."

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You can focus on core competencies. That is also what your PR agency does. With a larger number of employees, with more new techniques and methods, a good outsourced PR team brings a new media coverage and greater impact than a team working at home. This is because their business depends on it! Now you will see your reputation growing rapidly.


One bigger the company of about 50 employees has and expense for salaries only of about $ 250,000 per month. If you only outsource 4 employees you will save about $ 24,000 per month. Treat your founders with this


If you outsource your company's PR team of resource utilization in practice is going to get increased by around 70%, which means that in case of any crisis situation in the company, your PR team can cover 3 times more activity than any other team.


Theoretically, the average savings of an outsourced PR team are higher than 30% in some cases. Let's say for a budget of $ 250,000 outsourced team saves up to $ 80,000.


Nearly all the world's experts in business processing field, from Adam Smith to Peter Drucker agree as follows: Hold your key competencies and about everything else-outsource it! Studies show that the return of investment increased by 20% in average.
The most important thing is to find a company that will provide you with the best logistics, organization and legal support.